Bubble Soccer – A bouncy Spin on Soccer!
No fouls— no pain and a level playing field; even the most skilled players are moving targets! Try bubble soccer today! Call 416-466-5493 to book!
Our Blog
TORONTO – In an important early season game the Viewmont Villains bested Amour FC 4-1 to catapult them into a tie atop the standings....
Read MoreSummer is starting to wane into its final moments, which means the signs of fall are already appearing. Pumpkin Spiced Lattes and Halloween candy...
Read MoreSeason rivals The Worst Team Ever will face McK on Saturday in the Co-Ed championship final.
Read MoreBenefits of being a part of Ballsports Polson Pier.
At Ballsports Polson Pier we go out of our way to make sure we are providing our players with the best soccer experience possible. Our community has grown steadily and we are always looking for new ways to serve you.